🪙$REACH Token

The $REACH token powers the entire /Reach ecosystem.


Mission Creation: Utilize $REACH tokens to initiate missions on the platform.

Revenue Sharing: Possess a minimum of 100,000 $REACH tokens to be eligible for a share in 100% of the platform's fee revenue, allocated proportionally.

Where can I purchase $REACH?

$REACH has bridged to the Base network for reduced fees, faster transactions, and a better user experience while using the platform.

There are currently two $REACH tokens on two different networks:

How can I bridge $REACH from Ethereum Mainnet to Base?

You can use Superbridge Bridge, which takes only 3 minutes. Accessible using the link below: https://superbridge.app/base/$reach/

Tutorial video:

Which wallet is compatible with the /Reach platform?

The /Reach platform exclusively supports its integrated in-app wallet for both mission creation and reward claims. Access the wallet directly at https://app.getreach.xyz/wallet.

This wallet is linked to your Twitter (X.com) account, allowing for seamless transactions. You can manage $REACH transfers to and from this wallet and retrieve your wallet address on the Wallet Page.

Last updated